Monday, April 30, 2018

Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome Extensions are small software programs that modify the browsing experience. When installed, they appear to the right of the Chrome Omnibar.

Chrome extensions are found in the Chrome Web Store.  Please refer to spreadsheet at the bottom of this page for a growing list of recommended Chrome Extensions for Teachers and Students.  Here are some top recommendations:
  • Extensity: Quicky enable and disable Chrome Extensions 
  • Nimbus: Screenshots with robust annotation tools
  • Screencastify: Create quick and easy screencasts of anything you do on the web
  • Grammarly: Corrects your grammar in nearly all web applications (Google Docs is one exception) 
  • Google Docs Quick Create: Create new Google Documents without opening Google Drive
  • Bitly URL shortener: Create short, customized URL's
  • Google Classroom: Open Classroom, create assignments from websites, push content to student devices
  • Emoji Keyboard: Works in Google Docs
  • Awesome New Tab Page: Manage you Digital Life in one page with visual bookmarks
  • Poll Everywhere for Google Slides: Insert a variety of interactive polls into Google Slides
  • Kami PDF Viewer: View, annotate, and share PDF's
  • Save to Keep:  Save web content to Google Keep; open in Docs, Slides, and Gmail (soon!)
  • Anyone Can View: Change Google Doc sharing permissions without accessing Share button in document.
Here is a crowd-sourced list of Chrome Extensions for Teachers and Students.  Please feel free to add your favorite extensions to the list!